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Why Every Small Business Needs A CRM?

Customers are the most critical asset for every business, and therefore, it is crucial to manage them properly. One of the best ways to manage your customers efficiently is getting a reliable CRM.

Customer relationship management is software that businesses from different industries are using, and it plays a vital role in handling customers efficiently. According to Grand View Research, approximately 91% of companies rely on CRM. The use of CRM helps to facilitate the process of tracking customer data.

Small businesses and CRM

Most small businesses are in a growing phase, and therefore, it is prevalent for them to work on tracking the data. However, after a specific time, your small business will need growth. Consequently, it becomes essential to manage your customers efficiently in situations like these.

Customer satisfaction and organizational behavior can only be maintained efficiently if the customer information is tracked. Therefore, it is crucial to arrange the budget and get a CRM. During the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a massive growth in CRM use.

According to a report by Fortune Business Insight, the CRM market is expected to grow to around $128.97 billion by 2028. When it becomes challenging for businesses to manage their operations, it becomes easier for businesses to invest in a CRM that can allow the growth of their business. As a result, it will help streamline all the tasks, thereby ensuring better customer interaction.

Why Do Small Businesses Need CRM?

Businesses of all sizes switching to CRM must focus on small things. Some of the common benefits that the small businesses can rely on while using the CRM include the following:

1. Brings Business Growth

One of the most prominent benefits of CRM is that it can bring significant business growth. Small businesses need to handle their customer data and communication management, and doing all these is efficient manually when you’re managing a small customer base. However, collecting all the data yourself becomes tough when your customer base expands.

You can handle up to ten clients. When your business starts to expand, you won’t be able to manage them manually. This may bring a halt to your business growth. As a result, including CRM in your business can help you achieve the required goals.

2. Organize Data

Data organization is a highly crucial part of businesses. Irrespective of the size of your business, data is highly important, and CRM can help you manage not only your customers but also the leads.

When everything is aligned in a phase, you will be able to manage data. Data management allows you to communicate with customers. Since you have an idea about the customer’s preferences, you can provide them services accordingly. This will help bring about significant business growth.

3. Stay On The Same Page As Your Team

As much as CRM is essential for managing customers, it is also important for managing your team members. While conducting a business, you must know what your business team members are up to.

Collaboration is highly crucial for small businesses, and it helps them stay updated on what is needed the most. When the team members can collaborate from one platform, it becomes easier to stay updated on relevant information. Therefore, the team members can collaborate and inform accordingly in an emergency.

4. Segment The Contacts

Apart from data organization, contact segmentation is essential for small businesses. Not every customer will positively respond to your content. According to Zendesk, one minor inconvenience can lead to 80% of your customers switching to your competitor. Therefore, data segmentation can be of great help in cases like these.

CRM provides you the benefit of segmenting your contact in one space. You can arrange which customer belongs to what group, and therefore, it becomes easier to collaborate with the customers accordingly.

With CRM, you can align the customers and refer to the products accordingly. Therefore, CRM allows you to make the most of your organization. As a result, you can work on creating a segment of your contacts.

5. Automation

One of the most prominent benefits of CRM in small businesses is that it brings automation. According to Salesforce, 73% of customers want companies to understand their needs, leading to gap dissatisfaction.

Having a CRM will help to automate customer interaction. It will analyze the customers’ habits and interactions and automate the process accordingly. Investing in CRM will help you understand customer behavior.

As a result, it will help you automate the customer’s experience and patterns. Businesses must choose the right CRM for them, which will allow the integration of data as per needs and habits.

6. Allow The Customers To Come Back

Communicating with the customers can be time-consuming, preventing you from getting your things done in time. However, CRM will ensure that you respond to all the customer queries in time.

When you maintain a healthy relationship with your customer, you need to connect with them. When you provide efficient services to your customers, they are likely to return. If they have purchased a particular software from your customers and given them the required support, they will return. This will allow an easy upgrade for the business.

7. Refer To Social Data

The data from social websites is crucial as well. Various CRM tools have numerous features that will allow easy integration of data. It is essential to choose a CRM platform accordingly to help you receive the customer data.

It becomes easier to manage target audiences when you streamline the entire data. As a result, you will be able to create what your customers need the most. You can narrow down the preferences and eventually provide services accordingly.


Implementing the right CRM software is one of the best ways to retain your customers. According to a study by Columbia Business School, including CRM in your business can allow 40% extra growth in business. Customer retention will bring profitable and successful business. It will not allow you to retain the older customers but also help you gain the new ones. Nonetheless, make sure to provide a positive, practical experience to your customers.

How To Choose The Right Sales Automation Software For Business Growth?

Sales automation is the tool used for streamlining and optimizing the sales process.

It helps track the progress of leads at each stage in their buyer journey, automates communication across the organization, and encourages collaboration between sales and marketing.

In this post, we’ll cover the essential criteria you need to look for in sales automation software and how to choose the best for your business goals.

How Does Sales Automation Software Help?

Sales automation software allows you to automate repetitive manual tasks like sending emails and making phone calls. It can dramatically increase the productivity of your sales team and reduce the amount of time spent on menial tasks that don’t directly contribute to growth.

More than 60 percent of businesses using automation exceeded their revenue targets. With that in mind, here are some of the factors you should consider when choosing your sales automation platform.

8 Factors To Consider When Choosing The Right Sales Automation Software

1. Automate And Personalize Communication

According to McKinsey, nearly a third of sales-related tasks can be automated. You can set up a sales automation tool to send automated emails and SMS to your customers.

It is a great way to start a conversation, but it will not be effective unless you personalize the message based on what you know about the customer.

It can include information such as their name, any previous interactions they’ve had with your company, or if they have an upcoming birthday.

2. Ease Of Use

A sales automation program should be as user-friendly as possible. The more buttons and controls it has, the more complicated it will be to use.

Even if you are an experienced web developer, it’s best to stick with tools that have simple drag-and-drop functionality or templates that allow you to create your landing pages without too much effort.

3. Pipeline Management

The average B2B marketer has found that sales automation contributes 10% to their sales pipeline. So, you have to make sure that the sales automation software you choose has a vital pipeline management feature.

The pipeline management feature allows you to keep track of all your leads from the moment they enter your system to become a closed deal.

It would help to see where you’re in the pipeline, which stage of the sales process, and what is required to move to the next step.

4. Lead Management

Leads are the lifeblood of any business, big or small. So how you manage them is vital. Sales automation tools can make this process simple and easier to automate.

They can help you organize contact details, automatically capture visitor activity on your website, record phone conversations, send email campaigns, etc. The right tool will help your team close more leads by streamlining these processes and saving time on manual data entry.

5. Sales Reporting And Analytics

Many sales software platforms come with robust reporting and analytics capabilities. These tools allow you to capture data from all aspects of your business, including leads, pipelines, contacts, accounts, and more.

With this data, you can create custom reports to gain insights into your sales process, identifying improvement opportunities.

6. Customer Support

If you encounter any issues, your sales automation software should have customer support 24/7, 365 days a year. It’s also helpful if they have a live chat or phone support where someone can walk you through problems as they come up instead of waiting.

7. Integration With Other Software Tools

Choosing software that works well with third-party tools such as email marketing, social media marketing, and website analytics tools is good. Some of the most popular integrations include Salesforce, MailChimp, and QuickBooks.

8. Pricing

When selecting a solution, find out what pricing packages they offer.

  • Do they have a free trial or free version?
  • How much does their monthly or annual subscription cost?
  • Is there a limit on how many users can access the system?

Ensure that the software you choose answers all of these questions.

To Wrap Up Things

It’s important to note that the ultimate goal is to improve sales no matter which solution you choose. The best sales automation software should be able to increase your sales and close deals that you have never closed before.

However, not all products are built the same. These are a few things you can look for to narrow down the list of options.

How Does Sales Force Automation Software Make Your Process Easy?

What comes to your mind when you think of automating your sales operations? Nine out of ten people say “sales force automation software” while answering this question.

But when you think of sales force automation software as a technological concept, it includes a long list of elements. These aspects work together to facilitate different business operations.

Read on to know more about how you can simplify your business activities with a sales force automation application.

How SalesForce Automation Simplifies Business Operations?

According to an estimate, 80% of different advertisement processes will be based on automation technology by 2022.

Contact management and opportunity management constitute the two primary aspects of sales force automation (SFA App). Major companies use these features of SFA to achieve their objectives. Together, these software solutions help business organizations address business requirements.

Apart from these options, there is one more SFA solution called pipeline management. It helps a company track a lead’s data from their inquiry until they buy a product or service. By monitoring the details of a lead, a company can make timely decisions through forecasting.

Customer relationship management (CRM) and SFA are closely related to each other. Given the volatile nature of the mood of customers, company representatives need to keep track of communication. 

CRM helps with smooth business communication and monitoring between the representatives of a company and customers. This helps prevent communication gaps which can be a source of irritation for customers. 

Additionally, other features of sales force automation help leaders overcome challenges concerning automation projects. These include the following:

1. Task Management

Remembering dates and managing tasks can be difficult when you have to do it all by yourself. But an automated system can help you to a great extent. As soon as you create a reminder, the task management feature of SFA integrates it with the calendar.

You can track the communication with customers on different dates and identify your priorities and pending tasks. As soon as you make any change to the logged data or complete a task, the task management aspect of SFA updates the records on its own. Thus sales force automation can give a boost to your efficient sales force task management.

2. Team Collaboration

Because sales force automation systems work on cloud technology, their data is accessible on the Internet. With an active internet connection, one can access a CRM on a browser. The best part about it is that many users can do it at the same time.

Even as multiple users make changes to the data of CRM, they get automatically updated on the CRM. This feature is nothing shorter than a blessing for sales professionals as they can log in to a CRM and work remotely from any location. Also, they can communicate with each other and keep abreast with the latest updates. It helps improve team collaboration.

3. Cloud App Integration

Connecting disparate systems is a major challenge for business firms. And, most the businesses fail to attain the same. But making use of sales force automation software features helps overcome it through cloud app integration. It improves the flow of data across different systems.

4. SFA Customization

Flexibility is a hallmark feature of SFA. In other words, you can use it on computers as well as mobile devices. Especially in today’s era when mobile phones have become a core part of our lives, you would always find people clinging to their cell phones.

Thus, companies can use mobile phones for easy-breezy sales force management. It means that you can also think about using a mobile sales force automation application alongside apps on computer devices.

Final Thoughts

From tracking business leads to team collaboration and smooth communication with customers, sales force automation software ease the workload on the employees of companies in many ways. Doing so, not only saves time for employees but also helps them boost their productivity. Depending on your budget, you could either opt for free sales force automation software or its paid version to reap the above benefits.