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How do Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sales Affect Your Business?

Sales is a foremost important business activity that entirely revolves around exchanging goods or services from a seller to a buyer for an agreed-upon price. In simpler terms, sales is the process of providing services or products to customers to generate revenue for the business. The sales process itself can be broken down into several hierarchies like Primary, Secondary, and tertiary sales.

For any retail brand, it is essential to know the key importance of sales that manufacturing and mass producing a good product, should be delivered to the customers on a large scale. That outcome will create demand and generate more leads.

Every business agreement involves a buyer and a seller, resulting in a mutually beneficial outcome. In reality, sales comprise many levels before a product reaches a consumer, and that’s just the gist of it. Manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers (in some cases), retailers, and of course consumers all have a role to play in the success of a brand. They all contribute to the bottom line of a brand in their way.

What are the types of sales in business?

Sales are further divided into three categories: primary sales, secondary sales, and tertiary sales. Even after the product is manufactured, the journey isn’t over yet. it is very crucial at this stage to bridge the gap between the product and the customer’s needs.

It is a very crucial phase of a business and important to understand what are the different kinds of sales, how they work, and how they are responsible for the success of a brand. All three sales types Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sales are necessary to fill the gap between company and customer’s needs.

What is Primary Sales?

Primary sales is the first step that comes after manufacturing a product, it is an agreement between a company/brand and the distributor. In the whole transaction, the distributor is billed for the product purchased from a brand. An invoice is created as per the brand’s pricing and that generates the net revenue for the brand. But, deals don’t happen overnight. There are a lot of key factors that influence primary sales including brand value, popularity, sales performance, and market share.

For example, a product of a renowned beverage Company is shipped to a country or region. Based on the data, they sell their products to the distributors according to the retailer’s demands and customer needs. As the company is collaborating with the distributors, the revenue will be generated based on the predetermined price(deal) made with the distributors and that will be counted as the gross profit of that beverage company.

What is Secondary Sales?

Secondary sales is the step that comes after primary sales when the distributor purchases the product from a company and sells it to the retailers. Now, the distributor will act as a dealer in the market, ready to sell the products. In the whole process, the distributor sets the price limit and gets its margin and profit on the product.

The selling of a product depends on the demand for the product and the popularity of the brand. Secondary sales are more important for a manufacturer than primary sales because if secondary sales are not happening then it will affect the primary sales as well.

For example, huge FMCG brands are selling their products. The market gap is huge and customers are more likely to buy those products because of trust and value as compared to other small companies, who are making their way up in the market. That is where the data on competitor analysis is needed. SFA gives you the analysis of competitor’s performance and provides a better solution to sell your product in the market.

What is Tertiary Sales?

Tertiary sales is the last stage of the whole sales process and it involves the transaction between retailers and customers. After buying the product from a distributor, the retailer is all set to sell the product in the market. However, certain conditions affect the sales:

  • Tertiary sales are unpredictable and rely on a lot of factors in the market like popularity, necessity, demand, brand value, advertising, marketing campaigns, discounts, and many more.
  • Good sales require the authenticity and ingenuity of the product for the customers.
  • Tertiary sales are sold at either MRP(Maximum Retail Price) or MOP (Market Operating Price).

How can you increase Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary sales?

Sales are the most important part of the whole business, good sales performance decides the profit and future of a company. There are several reasons why you should do sales optimization to grow your business and get good sales. Brands need to have a strategy ready to beat the adherence and market needs. A good market share leads to better customer satisfaction and product visibility. This section is solely discussed to optimize Primary, Secondary, and tertiary sales.

Primary sales optimization with distributors

  • Improvement in primary sales needs a strong relationship between the company and the distributor, which leads to trust and integrity in the market.
  • Regular checks on the inventory ensure that the stocks never run out. This guarantees the distributor that the direct source of income from the brand remains unaffected.
  • Pepupsales SFA gives the best collaborative UI to outperform competitors through product availability and efficient distribution.

Secondary sales optimization with retailers

  • It involves a strong connection between distributors and retailers, creating a steady distribution of products. Stocked inventory means the retailers are already prepared to meet consumer demands.
  • Well-optimized secondary sales directly impact the growing business, leading to fewer stock complaints, more trust, and integrity with the brand incorporation of loyalty points and special schemes.
  • Secondary sales can be optimized by providing access to the sales data of retailers, leading to better analysis and driving countermeasures for better performance.

Tertiary sales optimization with customers

  • Optimization of tertiary sales entirely focuses on the sales with end customers. This includes a healthy relationship between a retailer and a consumer.
  • The tertiary sales process can be optimized with the data collected from the sales reps through SFA to ensure that the product meets the needs of a customer.
  • Analysis of tertiary sales with SFA can help get feedback from potential customers. Positive customer experience leads to more demand for the product in the market.


It should be kept in mind, that every sales process demands better performance, integrity, and collaborative sales efforts. Primary, Secondary, and tertiary sales are interlinked and dependent on each other to meet the end customer requirements. Better supply creates demand in the market and also leads to many benefits like product visibility, brand recognition, loyalty, and many more.

Pepupsales SFA offers a platform that allows the brands to stay on top of the market with better supply chain and sales performance. With the modules included in pepupsales SFA gives a better UI environment that ensures everyone is in the loop about what’s happening in the market. It comprises customizable UI, easy communication, smart KPIs and so much more.  We don’t recommend trusting blindly. Try the free demo provided and clear all the doubts related to sales and operations.

How to Boost Sales in Retail Stores?

Covid 19 had changed the entire outlook of the retail stores but shifted a majority of things online. Every business wants people to visit their venture to get a closure look while purchasing stuff.

Everything from an appealing window display, a blackboard with a quote, or the aromatic feel can add value to tempt someone who passes by.

In this article, we have covered some tips and tricks for your reference so that you can scale up your retail sales with a rise in foot traffic to your store.

Does Visual Merchandising Help a Business?

Since many people are engaged in promoting their brands on social media platforms, they forget that they can achieve business success through visual merchandising.

The appealing displays of the products show transparent pricing to improve the overall customer experience. It ensures themed displays by providing an edge to the business in landing the customers offline.

Moreover, customizing the shelves is another great technique that excites the customers to a great extent by lighting up the visibility of the brand.

Thus, things should always be combined for better results and real-time monitoring through POS systems and AI techniques.

8 Ways to Increase Retail Sales

Below, we have figured out some of the best ways by which you can maintain your momentum as well as craft a better marketing strategy than you ever did before.

Advertise More

It is always a wise decision to increase your marketing efforts because there is increased competition in every field.

You can advertise more through local newspapers, banners, magazines, or social media to get traffic off the head.

Generate a Buzz

Whenever something significant happens with your business related to marketing or social aspects, send a press release to the media, which is a great way to grab immediate attention.

Furthermore, please don’t leave a chance to get into community and networking events as it offers promotional opportunities for generating a buzz for your business.

Examine your Pricing Strategy

Whenever you make a purchase, make sure that you are covering all the costs and also making a profit at the same time to maintain the stability & growth of the business.

Of course, you can not offer something worthless but remember to provide the right price your customers are willing to pay.

Be Social

The cheapest and the most effective platform to be socially active is social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn, where you can interact with a larger audience.

However, if you are ready to spare some time, always attend commercial events and programs for better exposure and personal touch with people.


Your customers will be more interested in the stuff if they find it relevant. Not just products, but they can also be interested in having offers and coupons for a continuous store visit.

You can keep keen attention to customer action with the help of data that you can get about them. This way, you can optimize products to make them feel special.

Give Freebies

Receiving something for free as a sample is one of the best feelings for a customer, even if it is something the least expensive in your store.

So, offer your customers a small freebie such as a cream sachet or a nail polish to increase their chances of visiting your store.

Have Strong Visuals

Strong visuals add depth to the retail store by making the customers overwhelmed. Moreover, it initiates action and allows the users to try them out.

But, it would help if you kept things neat because an organized space helps find things faster.

Have a Loyalty Program

A retailer can get a significant amount of information regarding customers’ preferences, needs, and behavior through loyalty programs.

In the loyalty program, you can further offer a small gift or reward to the customer for being a part of the loyalty program to build trust and relationships.

The Bottom Line

Whatever the case, always remember that the customer is the heart of your business, and you need something better to get engaged with them.

We hope that these points will be a handful of ideas that will work the best for your marketing strategies and will provide you with fruitful results.

What is Sales Force Automation & What Are Its Benefits?

According to a Forbes publication, at least 64.8% of a sales rep’s time is spent doing non-sales-related activities. Hence, only 35.2% of their time is spent on sales-related functions. All this translates to fewer conversions and less value for the money spent on sales.

An easy way for businesses to eliminate this excessive time wastage and ensure every minute and cent spent on sales provides value is automating the process. Sales force automation increases the productivity of a sales team and leads to higher conversion rates.

Businesses planning to adapt sales force automation need to understand what it is all about, the key features that define it, and the benefits they stand to gain.

What is Sales Force Automation?

Sales force automation (SFA) is a process that uses software to automate various aspects of the sales process. It typically focuses on repetitive and administrative tasks that tend to be highly time-consuming and are one of the critical reasons sales reps waste a lot of time.

By allowing the sales force automation software to do the administrative and repetitive duties, the sales reps can focus more time and energy on making a sale. Businesses can also automate information sharing, sales reps, and customer tracking and order processing with SFA.

Businesses use SFA in industries and often integrate it with CRM (customer relation management) systems to ensure a smooth selling process. Also, sales force automation is customizable to suit the unique needs of any particular business.

Key Features of Sales Force Automation

SFA combines several automated systems to ensure a smooth and efficient selling process for your sales team. It typically includes the following main features.

1. Customer/Transaction Management

Customer and transaction management are integral elements in SFA, given that the end goal is to convert many of them into actual buyers. SFA makes it easy to manage customers by viewing essential things like their contact details and transaction history.

With SFA, you can also create custom sales campaigns and monitor customer engagement keenly. Also, it allows for opportunity management, so you never miss out on any ongoing transactions.

2. Lead Nurturing

Leads are vital for any business as without them, making any sales will be super hard. With sales force automation systems, you have an effective and reliable way of nurturing your leads to ensure a higher conversion.

SFA allows you to track leads in real-time and optimize any ongoing sales campaign to ensure you maximize your sales. Also, you can efficiently work with other partner networks to maximize results by sharing business goals and objectives.

3. Productivity Acceleration

Sales force automation software can help accelerate productivity by utilizing various features like mobile and email integration. 

With a sales force automation application on your mobile device, you can easily keep track of your sales performance and keep up with any upcoming opportunities, all of which can help accelerate productivity.

4. Insights Management

All the data going through the SFA end up as valuable target market insight. These insights make sales forecasting easier as there are various variables you can use in real-time.

Additionally, SFA can help simplify territory management by making it easier to create multiple models of your market and preview them before rolling out any sales campaign. Doing this ensures you get a balanced and more optimized approach when handling the different territories.

Benefits of Sales Force Automation Systems

An automated sales force system can do your entire business a lot of good and not just your sales team. Here are a few key benefits you can expect by implementing SFA App.

1. Decreased Sales Cost

High sales costs can eat up your profits significantly and even make high sales volume insignificant. SFA can help reduce your sales cost and ensure you make higher profits and a faster return on investment.

With an automated sales force, you can reduce the manual tasks that can be highly time-consuming and often reduce the business’ revenues.

The selling process is quicker and more efficient when using SFA tools, and you can even trim down your sales team to save on the costs. Additionally, a seamless selling process that focuses more on revenues can make your sales reps more efficient, reducing overall sales costs.

2. SFA Provides Better Sales Data

One of the best features of sales force automation is that it allows for better sales data collection. With this automatic system, you get exclusive insights that most sales reps might not pick out, given the software understands and interprets information differently.

Additionally, the data is stored in a central database to ensure easy access for the sales team when they need to check something. Hence, your sales team is better equipped with everything they need to convert a sale, from the client’s demographics to their purchase history.

3. Higher Productivity

There will not be much manual labor required with an automated sales force, so your sales team can focus more on strategies to improve sales and look for more clients. A good sales force automation system will also include several tools geared towards enhancing productivity.

4. Improved Customer Service

SFA system work with CRM to provide a centralized place for storing all the essential customer data you need, for a holistic view of the customers. When you have all the information you need on a customer, it becomes easier to offer services. Also, changes in sales reps handling them do not significantly affect the customer experience as the new ones have easy access to all their information and understand them better.

5. Streamlined Sales Rep Management

Managing a sales team is not easy, which is more so for large organizations with big groups. However, things become more manageable with SFA as you never have to do things like sales-call sheet tallying manually.

The sales manager also gets tools that make the allocation of territories to sales reps easier. Better yet, the managers have easy and real-time access to all salesperson information and can hence measure their performance and success rate quickly.


A sales force automation system plays a crucial role in every business’ sales department. By automating things, you can cut down on sales costs and reduce the time wasted by the team when trying to make a sale.

However, to get these and the many other benefits that come with this system, you first need to make sure you get or set up an ideal one, whether it is a free sales force automation software or a premium paid service.