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What Is Distribution Management System And Why It Is Important?

Emerging economies are vast and complicated, with numbers of resellers, millions of branches, and billions of dollars in prospective exchanges. Producers must manage an extensive array of local and global resellers while also balancing the competing requirements of diverse distribution channels. But how can makers handle everything with limited economic knowledge and information? How are they going to seize authority? How will they work with people and advertising while keeping costs low? And, most importantly, how can we make this simple?

The solution lies in flexible, intelligent, yet straightforward software, which a Distributor Management System provides.

What Is Distribution Management All About?

Supervising the flow of products and services or producers to highlight the sale is referred to as distribution management. It is a broad term that covers a variety of behaviors and mechanisms, including wrapping, stock control, storage of goods, distribution network, and logistical support.

The distributor management application is an integral aspect of the overall economy for manufacturers and retailers. Enterprises’ operating margins are determined by how rapidly they can transform their own products. The further they offer, the greater they acquire, implying a brighter future for the organization. A comprehensive distributor consumer management system is also necessary for businesses to flourish, improve their service, and satisfy their customers.

Important Turnovers

The distribution management application is in charge of a company’s supply chain, from contractors and customers to manufacturers and points of sale, including wrapping, stockpiles, storage, distribution, and logistic support.

Adopting a distribution management strategy is critical to a corporation’s economic achievement and long-term viability. However, the distributor management application assists in keeping things in check and clients’ content.

Recognizing Distribution Management

Distribution management is crucial to a firm’s recruiting clients and running a profitable business. Its efficient implementation necessitates impactful control of the project distribution chain. The bigger a corporate entity or, the higher the number of supply points a corporation has, the further it will have to rely on automated processes to handle the allocation system efficiently.

Developed distributor management application entails more than simply transporting goods from point A to point B. It also entails assembling and disseminating necessary details that can define key opportunities in the marketplace and competitive intensity. Most forward-thinking businesses now use their allocation troops to gather marketing information, which is critical in determining their leading advantages.

Commercial distribution (also widely recognized as sales distribution) and outbound logistics are the two main types of transfer (widely known as logistics). Customer support, shipments, storage of goods, stock management, corporate truckload operational processes, wrapping, accepting, quality control, processing facility, storage facility, store location planning, and information processing are all part of the allocation.

The company aims to maximize customer satisfaction by providing raw materials and components and partly and fully final goods at the right moment in the correct circumstance. Direct materials should be planned in line with the global strategic approach.

Distributor Management As an Important Sales Key

The basic principle of supply chain management as a marketing process is that distribution management occurs in an ecological system.

Goods: An item is not always a physical entity; it could also refer to that of a concept, entertainment, or details.

Fee: The benefit of goods and services for both the supplier and the consumer, including quantitative and qualitative measures such as original amount, discounted rates, funding, and the probable answer of current and potential customers.

Advertising: Any interaction used by a vendor to notify, try and convince, or reassure purchasers and prospective customers well about the vendor’s products, assistance, picture, concepts, and the effect they have on the societal structure is considered a promotion.

Configuration: This is the process of ensuring that items are produced, accessible, and visible to end clients or corporate clients in the aim networks or clients where they are needed.

Successful distributor management entails marketing your product while ensuring adequate inventory in networks and handling promotional offers and their differing prerequisites in those streams. It also entails ensuring that a distribution network is effective enough just to keep allocation prices low enough in a particular product or service at the appropriate cost, thus assisting your marketing approach and maximizing profit.

Final Word

The purpose is to achieve productivity and produce crude ingredients or finished goods at the correct time and place in an excellent state. As a result, a Distributor Management Software:

  • Performs order fulfillment
  • Stock and warehouse management
  • Lowering overhead expenses and managerial expenses
  • Synchronizes merchandise producers and consumers
  • Makes delivery arrangements and manages the payment process
  • Produces a Proforma receipt or Negotiable instrument
  • Analyzes company data and generates claims
  • Makes the company projections, among other things

And this is why the involvement of DMS is critical and, therefore, should be implemented in every organization for the greater good, increased generating revenue, and lower costs.

Why Is Sales Force Tracking Important?

Employing age-old practices to track your sales force is one of the biggest deterrents in the entire sales process. Unfortunately, many companies are still using their pocket notebooks to keep a record of the sales activities going on in the team. Figuring out the loopholes and properly using training and assistance is next to impossible in such a setting.

For this reason, many firms are resorting to the use of sales force tracker which makes tracking sales activities a piece of cake. It is not surprising to know that over 95% of the Fortune 100 companies use Salesforce tracking to do away with the old and tedious procedures of managing sales activities.

What Makes Sales Tracking Special? 

At present, there is a plethora of CRM software that you can use to track sales activities, but what makes Salesforce stand out of the crowd is the amazing set of features that the program comes with. These features allow for an easier tracking procedure. The sales force tracking app will enable one to access features such as:

  • Task management
  • Contact management
  • Opportunity tracking
  • Workflow creation

These features are directed towards making sales force tracking a better experience. Salesforce offers you several elite services that enhance customer experience and facilitate ease of use. 

The coveted sales force monitoring app is also infamous for creating reports about previously held sales activities, allowing a sales manager to be ready with all the necessary information before a meeting. These reasons are why tracking sales activities via sales force management software such as Salesforce is highly beneficial for your team. Let us now throw some light on why it is important to track Salesforce activities.

What Makes Sales Tracking Important?

1. Makes coaching easier

The end goal of any sales force tracking activity is to help a person attain a better viewpoint of the ongoing operations in a company and understand how they engage with potential clients. All of this enables you to assist the performance of your sales team, thereby making coaching much easier. Being a good coach to your sales team will directly translate into your company’s growth.

2. Prioritizing Tasks

One of the biggest reasons behind tracking Salesforce is that the activity allows you to prioritize the overwhelming tasks of your salespeople. Today’s competitive market requires salespersons to accomplish a huge number of tasks every single day.

From contacting new leads to following up on the previous ones, having them purchase your products, to genuinely following the steps until the completion of the transaction, a salesperson’s work gets tedious. A good sales tracking app can relieve your personnel of the confusion when deciding which task to work upon first by prioritizing the tasks.

3. Work While You Travel

Business owners often have to leave their companies’ premises either for personal or business purposes. In the absence of a leader, many sales activities start getting out of hand. A good sales team tracking app allows a manager to keep an eye on the activities going on within the team and supervise despite staying physically absent.

This is a huge benefit of Salesforce tracking since such type of tracking requires only a sales employee tracking app and a mobile phone or a laptop, and a stable internet connection.

Tracking sales activities during your physical absence isn’t just confined to the managers. Instead, the feature plays a defining role when a sales rep goes out in the field and wants to communicate with his or her team leader. These figures and stats are distributed easily, and the entire work gets done quicker.

4. Keeps The Staff Motivated

As per a survey conducted by LinkedIn, 94% of the company’s staff would stick to the company they are working at if it took a greater interest in their career. Instilling healthy competition among the staff is a vital part of Salesforce tracking, but this process isn’t direct.

A decent sales force tracking management application will enable a leader to record the sales reps’ activities and accurately track their performance over time. The app allows a leader to figure out the strengths and loopholes within the staff and award incentives accordingly. This, in turn, ignites a spark within the other sales reps who get motivated to perform better.

In addition, every group must hold regular meetings. This is another method that will assist your team in determining which aspects of their sales activity need to be improved. The software aids in the collection of data on all sales activity, which can be shared with the team to provide a complete picture. Instead of giving them blind feedback, data-driven feedback would push them to work harder toward their goals.

5. Provides Concrete Data

Regular data collection through reliable sales force tracking software allows your sales team to have an appropriate image of their growth. The collected data is the most appropriate yardstick to measure your team’s performance. It also gives an idea of what needs to be done to improve.

The loopholes are made public, and the team members can actually get to know the areas they need to improve upon. This is what makes Salesforce tracking a crucial task. When you have numbers right before you, it becomes relatively easy to draw conclusions and design an action plan.

Final Word

As is evident from above, Salesforce tracking is one of the most important aspects of a sales activity. In the absence of a proper sales tracking application, you and your team may end up in a lot of confusion. An incredibly common sales monitoring app in the U.S., it has been estimated that mid-sized organizations which employ sales force tracking via Salesforce earn annual revenue between $1 and $50 million. The staggering growth of these companies that engage in Salesforce tracking speaks volumes of the application and how its proper tracking can benefit you.

Sales Force Automation Software: Expectations vs Reality

According to Hubspot, over 40% of sales leaders leveraging sales automation expect to exceed their quotas this year. Additionally, 61% of businesses using sales automation exceeded their revenue targets in 2020.

These stats make a strong case for sales force crm automation (SFA). However, there’s an enormous gap between what sales managers expect from SFA solutions and what they actually get. 

Let’s bust some myths regarding SFA tools, so you can set realistic expectations.

What Is Sales Automation Software and Its Importance?

Sales force automation software is a tool that streamlines your sales process. It automates several redundant tasks, like sending emails, managing sales pipelines, scheduling appointments, data entry, and more.

  • Leverage smart sales forecasts to predict future demand and opportunities
  • Enable sales reps to respond to incoming calls and queries quickly
  • Reduce resource wastage and cut down operational expenses
  • Boost employee performance, engagement, and retention
  • Get more sales and improve your bottom line

Sales Management Software Expectations vs Reality

Sales force automation tools have many benefits. They automate mundane tasks, generate accurate forecasts, reduce costs, and transform your business into an efficient sales-generating machine.

But is it really a fairy tale, or should you expect bottlenecks? Here’s what reality looks like.

Expectation 1: SFA Software Is the Only Software I Need

When looking for a sales management solution, managers often search for all-in-one solutions that fix all their sales issues. They expect to get a one-stop system that creates sales forecasts, manages pipelines, creates landing pages, manages customer relationships, and more.

Reality: While the sales management software you implement is the backbone of your sales, hardly any solution will cover all your requirements. And that’s okay. Even though several multi-functional SFA tools are available, it’s impossible to find a system that takes care of all your sales management requirements. 

HubSpot is a great example. HubSpot CRM + SFA is one of the most feature-rich SFA systems with built-in CRM capabilities. But it lacks some key SFA features like order management and distributor management, despite being a combination of two tools.

Therefore, sales managers should stop chasing the perfect all-in-one solution and instead add a combination of tools to their tech arsenal.

Expectation 2: Implement SFA Software and Start Using it Immediately

You’ll come across some SFA vendors claiming to offer out-of-the-box and ready-to-use sales force automation software. Such solutions are a fantasy. 

Reality: Though some sales force automation tools may have plug-and-play functionality, the usability of most solutions will depend on your current marketing technology stack. A few tools require minimal configuration, but some degree of manual work is still needed. If you’re expecting to just log in, press a few buttons, and start getting sales, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

Also, if you use other tools, you’ll need to integrate the sales management software with them. To reduce the set-up time, evaluate your integrations carefully and find a sales management system that integrates seamlessly with your current tech stack.

Training is another cause for the delay. When you implement new software, you’ll need to train your employees to use it, which could take a few weeks. 

So, when adopting a new sales tool, expect some disruption in daily operations. It’s crucial to plan the implementation and transition properly.

Expectation 3: I’ll See the Future with Sales Forecasts

Sales forecasting is a key feature of sales force automation systems. Sales forecasts can help you predict future trends and capitalize upon upcoming opportunities. With sales forecasts, you can see the future. 

Reality: Sales forecasts aren’t always so accurate. Upland Software surveyed over 200 companies and found that sales forecasts are less than 75% accurate. And they’re entirely worthless if the margins to measure success and failure are less than 25%.

Does that mean you shouldn’t use sales forecasting? No. But it certainly means sales managers shouldn’t be overly optimistic about the forecasts. 

This brings us to another myth about sales automation and forecasting — technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) generate accurate forecasts. They have become buzzwords in the sales and marketing space. 

AI and ML can surely increase your forecasting accuracy and help you make better decisions. But sales managers must understand that these tools learn from what you feed them. The work they do, including the forecasts they generate, depends entirely on the data you enter into them. 

So, while sales forecasts and technologies like AI can enhance your sales process, don’t expect groundbreaking changes.

Expectation 4: There’ll be so much Free Time

Probably the biggest fantasy associated with sales force automation applications is the abundance of free time. SFA systems streamline mundane tasks like sales forecasting, appointment scheduling, and data entry, saving reps hours daily. That doesn’t essentially mean there’ll be more free time.

Reality: SFA automates administrative tasks, so sales reps can invest that time in revenue-generating activities. Sales managers shouldn’t expect their teams to be self-sufficient. The agents will still need sales training to become proficient sellers. 

Once they’re on board, they’ll need months of assistance to become productive. And once they start contributing to company goals, they’ll need constant recognition from you to keep performing. In fact, 76% of employees quit due to lack of appreciation, according to Lifeworks.

So, after implementing SFA software, a lot of free time is a myth.

Final Word

Sales automation tools are a mandatory addition to every sales team. These solutions streamline various administrative processes, enabling sales teams to be efficient and productive. However, a sales force management app isn’t a magic bullet, and it has its limitations. To leverage it properly and generate value, you need to understand its true capabilities. 

Visual Merchandising Techniques: 9 Ways To Boost Sales In Retail Store

Customers are also referred to as the driving force of a business. Customers have the power to make or break a brand. So to attract/retain customers, a business must engage effectively with them.

Visual merchandising is one of the several techniques used to attract and retain customers. In simple terms, it’s an aesthetic display of products to attract people. The main goal of visual merchandising is to make their products desirable and convert visitors into customers in the process.

From using display lights to arranging products in an organized manner, businesses use several visual merchandising techniques. Extravagant visual merchandising techniques include having a themed store or using aesthetic glass display panels to display products. 

But why is visual merchandising so important? The main reason is that it is an effective way of grabbing the attention of people. It helps businesses engage with their customers effectively. Humans, in general, love things that are appealing to the eye. This is why visual merchandising is used. Furthermore, it helps in creating a good first impression on people. As per crowdriff, 65% of people prefer good pictures rather than descriptions of products. 

Visual merchandising can also be used to increase the value of a product. Some businesses/stores position their least selling appealingly. This is because it helps in selling the products relatively easily. 

Now let’s take a look at the 9 of the best visual merchandising techniques

9 Visual Merchandising Techniques To Help You Boost Sales

Here are some of the most influential visual merchandising techniques:

1. Product Placement is Key

When a customer walks into a store, they expect to see the visually appealing placement of products. You can place your products vertically or horizontally; that doesn’t matter. But, making it look good does. It helps in highlighting certain products as well. If done well, it can be a game-changer. 

2. Themed Displays is the New Trend

Having themed displays can really help in making a business stand out. It helps in attracting and retaining customers. If enough emphasis is laid on understanding the customers, then making changes accordingly with the theme in mind can help boost a business. It can also help customers understand and connect with your brand.  

3. Window Displays 

One of the most employed visual merchandising products is displaying the best/newest products near windows or entrances. If done well, customers will have an incredible first impression of the brand. 

To effectively display your products, keep your windows clean and well-lit. These small variables make all the difference in the world, so pay attention to them. 

4. Signages Should Be Easy To Read

This is among the most important visual merchandising methods. Even if a display is beautiful, but the signage doesn’t convey the message, it’s no use. 

Make sure your sentences are not long and don’t use complicated words. The best way to make attractive signages is to follow the 5-second rule. This means your customers should be able to read the sign within 5 seconds. 

5. Sometimes, The Fewer The Better

You don’t always have to place all your products together in a visually appealing manner. It could be overkill, which is why sometimes, only a few well-chosen products can do the trick. Too many products can lead to colors clashing, which could defeat the purpose. Make sure you place your best products rather than all. 

6. Customized Interiors

Things done differently are always an attention-grabber. It can even apply to the way the interiors are done. By bringing a different element into the store will grab the attention of a lot of people. For example, using customized shelves can help in making the store look different from the rest. This positively affects retention rates. 

7. Using Brand-Themed Props

Using props has always been a great way to grab people’s attention and is used by many theatre artists. But there is no reason as to why brands can’t do that. In fact, using brand-themed props can help in making your store stand out. For example, a toy store with inflatable cartoon characters will attract more customers than a toy store without one. 

8. Sales Team

As per Iqmetrix, 73% of the customers expect the sales team to know the products displayed.

Every sales team representative must be well-versed in the products on display. This way, they can help customers know more about the products. This increases the chances of turning visitors into customers. Without adequate knowledge, even the most elegant display cannot turn most visitors into customers. 

9. Music Helps

Playing music that goes with the theme of the brand/store helps in setting a tone/mood for customers. It’s a simple way of keeping the customer engaged and interested, similar to good lighting. But make sure you play music following the theme of your store. If it doesn’t match the theme, it can be overwhelming. Also, ensure the music isn’t too loud; this can annoy customers. 

Final Word

It is quite evident that visual merchandising is an important variable if you want to attract more customers. Without effective visual merchandising techniques, your store may not get the recognition it deserves. 

The main thing you should keep in mind is never to overdo it. That can defeat the purpose, so make sure you follow all the tips mentioned appropriately to get the outcomes. 

Top 10 Benefits Of Salesforce CRM

Regardless of which business/industry you’re from, your customers are the main variable for success. Without customers, the probability of a business surviving is slim to none. 

With that fact in mind, businesses nowadays have started to lay more emphasis on customer satisfaction. Moreover, they’ve begun to use Salesforce CRM to improve customer satisfaction. Salesforce CRM is software that helps businesses boost their customer satisfaction levels. It does that by collecting data and assisting companies in understanding their customers’ needs. 

The popularity of Salesforce CRM seems to be on a path of steady growth, and for a good reason. As per Springengage’s reports, businesses that use Salesforce CRM saw a whopping 25% increase in their average revenue. 

Today we’ll take a look at a few benefits that businesses reap when they use Salesforce CRM.

Benefits Of Using Salesforce CRM

Here are some of the main benefits of using Salesforce CRM

1. Improved Customer Engagement

If you want to improve your customer experience, then you must first understand your customers. With Salesforce CRM, you can do just that. The customer service features present in this software are par excellent. They’ll help you understand your customers better and help you provide seamless customer service. 

2. Efficient Data Organization

Businesses collect customer information for several reasons. But it is also essential to keep all of that data organized. Every collected data, such as names, contact numbers, addresses, and much more, should be organized appropriately. 

With the number of unique features available on Salesforce CRM, you can efficiently organize your data and make it easily accessible as well. The best part is you can store a huge amount of data without hassle. 

3. Time Management

The value of time can never be undermined, and businesses that take this seriously tend to thrive better than the rest. With Salesforce CRM and the variety of features it offers, companies can save a lot of time. 

Salesforce CRM also helps in optimizing the workflow. This implies that several business operations can be automated, and the employees can take care of the more important operations. 

4. Improved Customer Engagement

Be it attracting new customers or retaining the current ones, a good engagement strategy is important. Salesforce CRM can help you with that. It enables you to convert a visitor into a customer and helps you with their retention. 

It does that by understanding their preferences and needs while making customized marketing campaigns or by sending them e-letters, and much more. Improved customer engagement means improved customer satisfaction. According to Springengage, with Salesforce CRM, businesses saw a 35% increase in customer satisfaction levels. 

5. Automated Marketing Campaigns

Marketing Cloud, a marketing tool in Salesforce CRM, can help businesses automate their marketing campaigns. It also provides you with a wide array of tools for social media marketing, e-mail marketing, lead nurturing, and it’ll also help you make personalized marketing campaigns. 

6. Improved Accessibility 

Almost everything is on the cloud these days, and that is the case with Salesforce CRM. It’s cloud-based software, and it can be from anywhere if you have an internet connection and a Salesforce account. It’s a great tool to help marketing and sales teams out. It can help managers interact with their employees efficiently and keep all of their stored data safe. 

7. Analytic Tools 

As we know, businesses collect data and a lot of it. Analyzing that data is an important task as it helps in understanding the needs of their customers. But analyzing huge amounts of data is impossible, and even if it could be done, it would be time-consuming. 

But that problems can be solved with Salesforce Einstein Analytics. These tools can collect data, organize it, and analyze it. This tends to save a lot of time and work. Furthermore, it also reduces the risk of man-made errors.  

8. Data Synchronization

Salesforce CRM also boasts data synchronization features. If your business makes use of other applications, then it can be integrated into Salesforce. This helps in storing your business data and details in one place. 

9. Track Customer Activity

With the Sales Cloud feature, a business can monitor the activity of their customer. It helps them understand buying patterns, shopping details, and much more. With that data, you can understand what your customers require and further improve customer satisfaction. 

10. Improved Pipeline Management

With Salesforce, you have the option of knowing at which stage your leads are at. With this information, you can take actions accordingly to close sales and understand the customer requirement for future interactions. 

Final Word

It is quite impossible to deny how helpful Salesforce can be to businesses with this information at hand. It helps businesses take care of their more valued asset, their customers. It also comes as no surprise that several small and big companies use Salesforce CRM to boost their customer service. 

Additionally, if you want to improve your business’s customer service, then Salesforce CRM is the way to go.

Sales Force Automation Systems: What It Is and Why It Matters?

The global automation market will hit the 8.42 billion mark by 2027, according to Research and Markets. This figure reflects that automation will be the major technology for businesses in the future. 

At present, most companies opt for sales force automation software to boost productivity. Besides, they also invest in it for effective internal and external communication and decision-making ability.

Though using a sales force automation application is commonplace these days, most people, especially those who aren’t tech-savvy, are unaware of its ins and outs. Despite knowing that it is a must-have feature for companies, they do not understand why.

This post will shed light on what sales force automation is all about and how its inclusion makes a difference to the outcomes of business organizations.

What is Sales Force Automation?

Sales force automation refers to the operationalization of the sales processes through automation software. In other words, it is the process of conducting sales with the help of tools that can work on their own.

Over the years, it has gained in popularity. Due to this development, there has been a corresponding rise in the use of sales force automation software in India. Read on further to know why it is crucial and how it can bring laurels for businesses.

Why is Sales Force Automation Important?

To begin with, the integration of sales force automation can boost a company’s customer service. Plus, the subscription to sales force automation software can change the operational approaches of a company in many other ways. 

While there is a long list of its features, it can be a game-changer for a company due to the following aspects: 

1. Quick Retrieval of Customer Information

Sales force automation systems help team members quickly find out the details concerning a potential customer. Such information may include contact details, an event, or a task. Any such thing can be retrieved as quickly as a wink when you have a salesforce automation system at your disposal.

2. Organized Account Planning

Sales force automation helps account managers formulate an essential strategy for account planning. They can do so effectively with all the essential details of their potential customers at their fingertips. 

Moreover, they can also organize their tasks. They can decide on dates for concluding specific tasks and mark them on calendars.

3. Time Management

In the world of business, the worth of time is weighed in gold. Representatives of a company need to identify their priorities and focus on them to achieve their targets. 

Sales force automation technology brings the wealth of customer information and planning resources at the disposal of company representatives to help with effective time management.

4. Team Collaboration

Sales force automation allows team members to exchange or share work-related information. This feature streamlines team collaboration and enables team members to know the latest updates. 

As a result, they can avoid confusion and also help make timely decisions.

5. Accessibility

The availability of Salesforce on the cloud makes it an ideal option for companies of all sizes. This feature eliminates the need to store data in hardware devices. Employees of a business firm can access critical data with the help of an active internet connection.

Features of Sales Force Automation

Whether you think of a mobile sales force automation application or its other forms, you can consider several features.

The prominent sales force automation software features include the following:

  • Customer management
  • Automated scheduling
  • Prioritization of leads
  • Automation of on-field teams
  • Automated reports

Final Thoughts

The prioritization of tasks, effective communication among team members, retrieval of customer data, and easy accessibility are the elements that can make or break the deal for a company’s overall productivity. 

The manual effort may prove to be unreliable for the accomplishment of these tasks due to its limitations. These include volatility, inconsistency, inaccuracy, delay. Thus, the only way forward for companies is to opt for sales force automation.

Whether you run a company or planning to start one, opting for paid or free sales force automation software can pave the way for your success.

Sales Force Automation: Offering Mobility to Food and Beverage Companies

We can see the rising trend of purchasing food and beverage by the people due to increasing disposable income. It can be found due to increased profitability of food and beverage companies many new players have come into the market with the best sales and marketing strategies.

In this industry if you are not swift in decision making you may lose you market share due to increasing competition.

Further, as we know food and beverage companies use perishable inventory for making finished products; therefore, it is also very essential to make the delivery of items timely to the market. It can be seen people these days are very particular about the expiry dates printed of food and beverage items. Thus, if your delivery is not on time you may lose you brand loyal customers as well as potential customers.

In the context of the food and beverage industry Mobile Sales Force Automation devices playing a great role in organizing and managing wholesales activities from the time of dispatch of goods till they reach the end users. The sales force automation app is compatible with android phones and tablets, which can easily be carried to different places by the sales personals. The app is controlled by GPRS and forms a cloud, which tracks and reports all the sales activities on real time basis.

The management of any food and beverage company can get information about dispatches, supply, delivery, and order of their different products instantly. The GPS tracking software for android keeps owners or management of food and beverage companies informed about all kind of activities their sales employees performing in different geographical boundaries.

What makes the Sales Force Automation app for android best by sales personals?

It can be often found the sales personals of food and beverage companies need to carry samples of their products to represent them to retails or distributors. Without providing appropriate products’ features and advantages it is really difficult for sales personals to bring awareness about the products they are selling. Suppose if a sales person is selling a health drink in the market then he or she must need to know about the composition of a health drink like how much protein, minerals, vitamins, and other things it is containing.

In addition it is also essential to bring into notice the core competency of the product like the help drink can improve memory of children, increases growth rate, and other types of things related to the product. FMCG sales software Sales Force Automation app helps in offering such kind of presentation in front of customers via the screen of android phones or tablets. All these things put an impression on retailers and at times on end user of the product in the market.

The FMCG sales app also helps in eliminating the use of pen and paper. By using software the sales personals can ease their load of carry files, pen, and papers. Even the app serves as a compact catalog for sales personals by which they can show the different food and beverage products they are selling. Every order can record or deleted via touch screen provided on android phones or tablets. Further, employees can easily evaluate their daily performances and can match with the targets they need to accomplish. Therefore, if there is any gap between comes in between performance and target can be bridged easily.

If a sales person is working in a new area then also the app can do best for that employee. As we can see food and beverage products are in demand everywhere even in remote areas. In such cases the sales person can easily use the FMCG sales automation app for determining the boundaries of his or her market. Further, the software also shows the stores to whom sales personals need to approach for making calls. Therefore, it eases the monotonous task of sales personals infield as well as out of the market area.

How sales force automation app can be used as the best management tool?

As we know SFA app works on real time basis and tracks all the field activities of sales personals. Thus, the management of food and beverage companies can easily keep track of the market activities. Suppose, the chocolate manufacturing company is supplying their product to any market and some contingencies occur in the way the management can get immediate information regarding that and decided to fix the issues can be instantly taken. This will help in preserving the quality of the product as well as facilitate timely delivery of the product lot to the respective market.

The GPRS tracking app shows the order made by different retailers and distributors in varied geographical boundaries. In case any order is canceled it will also show the same. Therefore, at any point in time no person involved in sales activities cannot misrepresent or manipulate sales entries or any other vital data.

Traditionally, the management of food and beverage companies had to wait for months for getting sales data and had to arrange frequent meetings for any decision making to bring changes in product quality or sales strategy. However, after the introduction of SFA App all types of information can track without waiting longer. This facilitates in retaliating instantly to meet daily changes faced by product or employees involved in sales. The best part of SFA is that it helps management in keeping a record of everything including the details of sales personals, distributors, retailers, and other people involved in sales according to the area and market coverage, which may be used at the time of needs.

Scope & Challenges before Food & Beverage Industry

It can be found these days food and beverage industry is the fastest-growing sector generating exceptionally high revenue. The main reason behind this fact is the busy life and cosmopolitan lifestyle of people around the world. We can see most of the families are now depending on processed foods and drinks due to various reasons.

Further, it can be also noticed that the sector is having immense future opportunities. Therefore, we can find every day more players are jumping into the food and beverage industry as it promising sector where companies earn huge returns on their investments. However, when it comes to food and beverage products people usually do not trust the new brands as these products are directly associated with the health of an individual and their family. That is why new players or brands in the market need better exposure to enlighten the core competencies of their products.

As we all know Horlicks and Complan are leading brands when it comes to health drinks. The products have many segments with different features like taste, color, composition, and benefits. These products use all the best mediums to promote their products as well as always present something new to their targeted audiences and potential customers. If you are launching a new health drink in any name the foremost challenge in front of your product will be how you can increase awareness about your product. As we know health drinks are usually related to children and any parent cannot afford to take any kind of risk. Therefore, you need the best medium to interact with your customers as well as get their feedback to bring improvements in your product and accordingly sales and marketing strategies.

The present era is the age of social media where a company can interact and increase awareness about its product without any direct contact with its customers. In order to become a brand, you need to be at the mouth of your targeted customers whenever they approach the market for buying your product. If we talk about marketing strategy packaging of products also plays a crucial role in its promotion. If we talk about the food and beverage industry your product must be easy to carry and at the same time attract the attention of buyers. Suppose if you are selling beer or cold drink the packing should not be dull and when the buyer going to consume it should open up easily. In case the buyer of your product finds it a cumbersome process to open the bottle or can of any beer or cold drink he or she may switch to some other brand for comfort.

In the same way, a company can make its product favored brand of its customers by showing the procedure to cooking or using it on its packet. As we know anyone can be your brand loyal customer and in case if your customer doesn’t know the process of using your product then in confusion he or she may choose some or brand, which indicates him or her about proper usage of its product. Suppose if we talk about noodles or any canned food product your customer can be a busy professional or maybe a student who hardly knows about cooking. In such cases, you can make your product more user-friendly by showing directions for cooking it on its packet. Further, it is also required your product must be easy to cook and have all the stuff required to cook it. In addition, if the product cooking process is consuming less time of buyer then it will serve as an added benefit in making the product a favored brand of its targeted customers.

In order to make any food and beverage product, a brand a company cannot avoid writing its compositions, manufactured, and expiry date. We can see consumers are becoming very conscious about the composition, manufactured date, and expiry date of the products they are purchasing. If a food and beverage company’s product is showing all these can win the trust of its customers as well as can become the favored brand of its targeted customers. If your company is manufacturing chocolates and sweets you can mention the quantity of sugar, caramel, coffee, and so on used for manufacturing your product. In case a beverage manufacturing is offering diet drinks it can also mention its composition so that consumers’ consciousness about their weight can judge the drink before consumption. Further, customers can also go through the expiry date before purchasing any food or beverage product. All this will make a food and beverage product company a reliable choice of its customers and the products will get a competitive edge in the market.

Sales and marketing of any food and beverage producers are necessary and at the same time if the management of the company is getting correct information about buyers’ choices it will help in prompt decision making. Further, the companies need to have reliable information about the stock holding of different distributors and sales returns made by them. It is also essential to track whether food and beverage companies offering discounts or offers to customers are reaching to them or not in different geographical areas. In absence of all these, it will be an impossible job for any company to grab brand loyal and potential customers. For all such issues sales force automation software can do the best job for you. The app is user-friendly and can be installed easily on android phones and tablets.

Scope & Challenges Before Textile & Apparel Industry

In the present era, the textile and apparel industry is one of the most flourishing industries. We can people are very conscious about their dressing sense and it can be found there is always a crowd in front of garments shop. Whether it is formal or casual apparel the demand for each clothes is at its peak.

We can find different fashion designers in the industry launching their different designs that are appreciated by people and we can find people who love to accept all those designs. For different age groups and gender, we can find varied collections, which keeps them comfortable as well as look smart. All these show that people are freaking about apparel and love to buy new ones at frequent intervals for regular use or for parties and functions.

All these have given a boost to people involved in the textile and apparel industry in different ways. Further, it can be also found an increasing number of distributors and garments stores in the markets of different geographical areas. However, due to the increasing number of brands and stores, it can be found textile and apparel industry mobile sfa software for textile apparel is witnessing a highly competitive market where any variation in sales strategy can affect the markets largely. If a brand is not well equipped with advanced tools that can improve sales strategies then it’s high time to think about that as many new and existing brands are coming up with the best sales strategies.

What are the major challenges before brands operating in the textile and apparel industry?

Inventory management is one of the most important challenges before the textile and apparel industry. For any brand, it is essential to check the stock holdings of different distributors carrying business at varied geographical areas. The major reason behind this fact is that if there will be an overstock there will chance of damage and sales returns, which affect badly the profitability of any company. On the other hand, in cases where there will be a shortage of inventory, it will give a competitive edge to other brands whose stock is available in the market. It will also increase the chance where your brand-loyal customers may switch to other brands due to the unavailability of your product.

Therefore, it can be judged excess or less supply of inventory both are the cause of loss. If the sales management of any brand has a technique to determine these differences in time and can move excess holdings to places where inventory is in shortage then it can reduce the chances of suffering losses. It will also minimize the chance where your brand loyal customer will switch to some other brand. For this, a company has to make its sales team very efficient at evaluating the stock availability of different distributors and retailers carrying businesses in varied geographical areas.

How a brand can keep a close check on stock availability?

In the era of advanced technology, a brand may be new or a market leader can keep a close check on their stock availability in different markets. There are mobile applications available in the market, which are user-friendly and very efficient in determining stock availability. These mobile apps are made for the customized needs of the textile industry and by using them a distributor and salesperson can keep a close check on the stock availability of markets in geographical areas.

The employee tracking software is one of the mobile apps that can work very smartly for the textile and apparel industry. By using the apps a distributor can place his or her order from android phones. Further, it is also an easier task for a salesman to keep a close check on inventory holding of distributors and retailers.

Why Your Small Business Needs Sales Force Automation

Automation can boost sales productivity by up to 14.5% while also reducing overall marketing overheads by up to an impressive 12.2%. Hence, simply automating your sales force can translate to significant revenue and profits gains for small businesses.

Sales force automation systems will allow small businesses to automate general and repetitive tasks in the sales process, which helps reduce time and resources wastage by the sales teams. But, as a manager, you still need to weigh the benefits and costs of implementing sales force automation to determine whether it will be worth it for your business.

If you are still undecided on whether to implement this modern method of running your sales force or not, here are some reasons it would be an excellent strategy for your establishment.

1. Reducing Sales Inefficiencies

Up to 64% of a salesperson’s time goes to non-selling activities that will have little to no value for your small business. Most of their time goes to downtime activities such as catching up with their peers on social media networks and other administrative responsibilities.

This time wastage is a resource drain for your business and can affect your sales considerably. With proper sales force automation, small businesses can ensure less time wastage and better value for the resources dedicated to selling their products or services.

SFA eliminates the need for strenuous administrative tasks and helps businesses keep better track of salespersons’ activities. Hence, it is easier to tell which person is wasting time instead of selling and making appropriate interventions.

2. Minimized Opportunity Loss

No matter how good your sales team might be, it is essential to remember they are all still humans. Therefore, they will not remember everything and miss crucial things like customer appointments and delivery dates.

What all this means is that in many instances, you may end up losing opportunities to make sales simply because someone on your team forgot something. A sales force automation software can help prevent this by ensuring a centralized point for managing everything from customer appointments to deadlines and keeping track of customer interactions.

SFA systems ensure salespersons never get overwhelmed. The system will allow them to access all the information they need from a centralized point, so you never miss a potential contact. Better still, the salespersons can dedicate more of their time seeking more customer interactions.

3. Allows Proper Leads Management

One of the best features of sales force automation is that it can also help with lead management. Proper lead management has a massive bearing on whether the sales team can convert the leads and hence forms a crucial element of any sales campaign.

Small businesses that use the sales force automation software can quickly identify all the potential leads and arrange them according to the prospectiveness. The business can then assign the best salespersons to handle the most promising leads to increase the likelihood of conversion.

Additionally, with SFA, you can prioritize the best quality leads so you do not end up spending too much money on leads that are unlikely to give you any sales no matter what you do. 

With this software, small businesses will also have an easier time generating leads. They can extract leads from marketing campaigns and other channels like social media interactions or website inquiries. Therefore, the cost of lead generation is also much lower than when doing everything manually.

4. Enhanced Business Intelligence

A correctly implemented sales force automation strategy will do much more to your small business than just streamlining your sales process. You can use the system to enhance business intelligence.

SFA makes it possible to predict future income accurately using the different kinds of data you get from the system. Hence, as a small business owner or manager, you can make more accurate decisions on crucial business processes such as resource allocations. 

Better still, you can develop more metric types when using the system, ensuring you know the exact steps to follow and the strategy to implement for a more successful sales process. 

Given that SFA provides detailed data, businesspersons and sales teams will clearly view the sales pipeline and quickly refine and optimize their sales techniques.

5. Maintaining Strict Business Schedules

Only about 2% of sales will be made on the first contact with the customer, meaning that 98% of sales will require further follow-up to seal the deal. 

A sales force automation application can ensure you do not miss out on this huge chunk of potential sales by automating email follow-ups and other things like updating sales leads and scheduling appointments.

Besides increased sales volume, keeping up with these vital business schedules can help improve overall productivity as you never miss anything important.

How to Develop a Good SFA Strategy

Although SFA can have many benefits for your small business, it is still vital to ensure a good strategy and plan for its implementation. The most crucial element of developing the SFA strategy is making sure it is goal-oriented and intended to meet specific objectives. Additionally, it should be fine-tuned to conform to the particular needs of your establishment.

Sometimes a simple thing like automated email responses is often enough for some small businesses. But, for others, a more comprehensive strategy that uses advanced sales force automation software will be necessary.


Sales force automation systems are a powerful tool that a small business can use to streamline its sales process to ensure increased conversion, minimal resource and time wastage, and higher revenues or profits.

Whether you are using a free sales force automation software or a more feature-rich and advanced paid version, you will have an effective tool for optimizing your sales strategies. But, it is always essential to make sure whatever you choose is customizable to fit your specific situation.

Lastly, you still need to combine the SFA system with a strong sales team to ensure you get the best results, as the latter can still be the weak link in your sales process.